people do strange things in the night-time, and i am no exception. sometimes i am driving and i am thinking while i am driving, not necessarily about the driving, but thinking nonetheless, and i get the urge to write. i want to write often. i want to write passionately, about what i see, about what i feel, about nothing, and sometimes about something. but then, by the time i get home and i have to opportunity to write... i don't know what inspired me to begin with, and i often lose myself to doing strange things in the night-time.
tonight i was driving. it was a short drive. the drive began at around 1:43 am and concluded at roughly 1:47 am. i rolled down the driver's side window to let in the fresh, but still soothingly warm, young september air. i turned up the volume on my car audio system. this is what i was listening to:
i observed as a blonde female on a bike pedalled by and i thought to myself: where could she possibly be going at this place and time. i mean, sure, it's like 8 am somewhere in the world, but not here. i couldn't imagine myself bike-riding through a dark suburban neighbourhood at this time of night. to me, this appears strange. i also watched, as i turned left from one residential side road onto another, as a young adolescent walked on his lonesome. he was dressed as if he were a criminal. i don't intend to offend anyone with this observation and judgement, it's just that, to my mind's eye, if this young man were to wear a full business suit and tie in the same circumstance, i may have deemed him to not look as much like a criminal as he did while sporting his oversized and overpriced (but made to look cheap) jeans, unnecessary excess jewellery, and sports cap from somewhere not too close by. he made himself look all the more suspicious as he swivelled the head that modelled the cap a full 180 degrees--perhaps aided by a subtle twist of his torso--to eye me and my outdated toyota camry as i cruised by. maybe he was wondering what kind of moron listens to this kind of music, at 2 am, and has it playing this loud out of his windows as if he's proud of it. i bet an argument about music wouldn't last longer than 45 seconds between this gentleman and i. but again, this is judgemental of me. for all i know, he's in the band.
sometimes when i am driving and wishing that i were writing, i begin to write metaphorically as i think. i write in my head. i usually listen to my music loudly, and so, as abstract as this may sound, coming from someone who knows not a damn thing at all about how to write music, i feel as though i am in fact imagining my thoughts and the sounds intertwining and wrapping themselves around the very impulses that define my 'life' essence. there is no other way for me to write this that will help you understand it any better. what i wrote, should be just as confusing for you to understand, as it is for me to conceptualize. i imagine my thoughts sprawling themselves out all over an imaginary musical meter, where the notes do not correspond with the actual music, but DO represent the feelings within my being. and then i come up with such brilliant concepts as the title of my next blog - which should, without question, be: "in the night-time."
think of your life when the sun goes down. personally, i have spent at LEAST 50% of my life awake when the sun is not. if i were to throw my day-time experiences in a ring with my night-time exeperiences, i fear the fight would be eternal between the two. possibly because the style of each fighter is so different that niether one is able to gain the upper-hand, but most probably because the day-time would be so weirded out by the night-time that it would dance around like muhammed ali and get punched in the face a few times but refuse to go down. what i mean to say is that, i do weird things at night-time. i wonder if this is because when it's night-time, normal things seem weird. let's experiment: blonde female riding her bike at 2 pm - normal; blonde female riding her bike at 2 am - weird. that was too easy... let's try again. gangster-looking little teen staring at your crappy car as you drive by him at 2 pm... meh........ 2 am? start to wonder whether he's hiding something. lol. i'm laughing out loud at my own blog post. it's 2:26 am and i am writing about the strange things people do at night.
oh irony.
If you can sit through church and argue that there is... you're full of shit.