When you write for no one in particular

Thursday, September 23, 2010 by Ric

Today someone told me that she doesn't believe in the soul... that any talks of the existence of the soul is absolute bullshit to her. I just said the same thing twice, reversed the order of the nouns and changed a couple words, connected it all with three dots and tricked you into thinking I was being uber-descriptive. I just used a german word. The fact that you found any of that funny means that I made a connection with you through my writing. The fact that I was able to do that by writing to no one in particular means that there is a genuine flow of energy, not just ideas going on. This bitch who told me today that there is no such thing as the soul must have clearly missed the point. I don't believe that there is a holy ghost that is within us all that happens to be trapped within our body until death. I do believe in a life force... the very essence of which defines a living rational being in comparison to an inanimate object. This life force is based on feelings and emotion, and there is no better short form for it than to call it the soul - the essence of our existence. To deny this is to be a complete and total nincumpoop. I've always wanted to use that word in my writing and now that I have, I found myself perplexed with how to spell it. I guessed. Perhaps that word had it's origins in german as well.

I realize that lately my writing has lacked a particular theme or direction, and that more and more I come on here to just write freely and for no one. So--voyeur that you are--I hope that you content yourself with reading my personal diary; for if I had one I suppose this is the kind of stuff you could expect to find in it. No, strangely enough, I don't reserve this space and time for the criticism of others or to complain about the bad things that happen to me on a daily basis. Niether of those two activities serve to release my tensions or open my mind. Instead, I prefer to digress, to go off on tangents, to dream-write, so to speak, about all the peculiarities that surround me. And for a second, or hopefully a bunch of seconds, to forget about all the things I need to do, all things I should have done, and all the things I don't want to think about. You know what the best part about doing this is? Knowing that in capturing your attention, my noble reader, I have in fact transported you to my absent-minded state of mind as well, and convinced you that there is no other thing more important than to examine the arrangement of letters that I have here presented for you. Admit it, you haven't thought about a single painful thought this entire time. You might be asking yourself why the hell you're still reading this, but you must admit that this hasn't been a complete and total waste of time for you. Somewhere in here, you have made a bit of time for yourself and for self-reflection. This is more than you can say for yourself when you're not doing futile things like reading some random dude's blog about literally nothing.

Okay, so let's close with a thought of the day--just so that I be can sure that this hasn't been a complete waste.


Here it goes:


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