Sand Scratching my Toes

Thursday, January 27, 2011 by Ric

I was sitting on the bus today thinking about the past week and I jotted down a quick poem on the notes app of my iphone:

Sand Scratching my Toes

Between sand and saltwater
the breeze of the winter sea
betrays the cold that I've come to expect;
it does nothing to soothe my scalding shoulders.

I run towards the sun
dodging beer bellies and thongs;
my toes scratch the grainy divide
between liquid and land;
my ankles strain against the angled plane.

waves of relaxation crash to my left
while a child builds a mound of imagination to my right;
I look at a parachute on the water with a smirk and mutter quietly
"today is all mine":

just as soon as I finish these ten push-ups.

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