What happens when you're gone?
guardian of the fortress,
protector of the innocent,
bravest in the face of danger;
humblest in the face of discipline.
Your riddle, your jibber jabber,
your rough rough rough,
you live for one thing,
the more legs you have, the weaker you be;
always on guard.
You are the first thing, the last thing,
the only constant, the only variable,
and after a lifetime or two,
and when we talk to you;
comprehension is not your priority.
You won't smile, you can't laugh,
o gentle strangler,
your pose gives it away,
don't worry, we're not offended;
we love you all the same.
Your riddle, your rough rough rough.
- Riccardo Lo Monaco
April 2, 2010 at 4:52 PM
Is this the poem you said you were going to post?
Talk to me when you get a chance okay?