Good Game
The worst feeling in the world can be when you realize it's game over. When the referee blows that final whistle, when the buzzer sounds, when the super mario song tells you you just died and ran out of lives. You were trying so hard, working as hard as you could... to achieve something. To get there. To reach your goals. And then, tragically, it was all cut short. You died. You were losing 2-1 -- you wanted to score the equalizer. It was a tie game -- you wanted to win. There was something more to do, something left to prove.
It's always this way until you're in the championship match and you're up by a goal. That's the only time it's okay for the ref to blow the whistle, for the ref to say - "you win"... here's your trophy, add it to the rest, you earned it, you deserve it... by the way - "good game."
I look into my dog's eyes, and it's almost there. the whistle is going to be blown soon, to tell her, "good game"... but she wants something more - another cookie, another laugh, another ring of the doorbell. something to tell her she's wanted, she's loved... she has made an impression, she will leave her mark. she wants to understand, she wants to go for a walk - that's a funny smell, what is it, i love it when you scratch my back like that, keep going, woah, there it goes - that stupid squirrel, i'll catch you some day, and you will pay... and that postman too, stupid postman. i love you.
Good game Kisha. Good game