The Importance of Wishing a Happy Birthday

Thursday, November 18, 2010 by Ric

I was going to spend some time tonight thanking each and every person who wished me a happy birthday, individually. I wanted them all to know how nice all the texts, calls, and facebook messages made me feel. It's always a re-assuring and comforting feeling to see that so many people would take a few seconds out of their busy day to acknowledge my existence once a year, and I thought that the least I could do was to thank them all. But then it struck me that I have more to say to all of these people than just a simple "thank you".
I've been thinking (too much) and have come to the conclusion that maybe there is a bit more to this customary birthday wishing than we usually allow ourselves to realize. I mean sure, it's generally understood that it's a nice gesture to wish someone a happy birthday, but I think we often take for granted the more meaningful implications of it all. When we wish someone a happy birthday, we are not just acknowledging their existence, we are in fact thanking them for existing. We are affirming that they have made a positive impact on our lives at some point and we are telling them that we appreciate the fact that they are part of it, no matter how small of a part it might be.
Well this got me thinking even more: What about the people that are not really part of my life anymore? Acquaintances that have faded away along the years? People that I would not strike a random conversation with because they probably don't remember or care to interact with me? Surprisingly, again and again I discover that there are always a few of these people that will still write some kind words to me on my birthday. These are the most important messages sometimes.
Just think of it as if it were your birthday, and your facebook wall being written on.... If these people saw it fitting to spend some time making your day seem a little more special with their best wishes, they must have some recollection of you in their lives that is favourable. In other words, you have affected them positively at some point and they repay you by reminding you that there is still an unbreakable bond of friendship between the two of you, no matter how far away you live from one another and how little you see or speak with each other. It's times like these that you realize how interconnected your life is with everyone else's. You are not just a single person living your own life on a day-to-day basis within the confines of your own imagination and consciousness. Rather, you exist hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of times, in the hearts and in the imaginations of others--in their memories, in their thoughts, in their wishes. You affect all of these people in various ways, even when you don't think you do. In my opinion, the soul of the human being, that is to say, the essence of a person's life is partially dependent on the many connections that exist between a person and the rest of the world. Your network of friends and the people that you interact with is the basis of this. I'm not trying to tell you that you are nothing without a thousand friends to back you up; what I AM saying, is that beyond your self-perception (which is eternally more important) your existence hinges upon the impact you have on others. It is up to you whether you want this impact to be a positive one or a negative one.
On your birthday, you will understand whether your effect on the world has been positive or negative simply by observing the number of times you exist outside of your self. You will be amazed at how important it is to keep smiling, keep helping others, and keep living in some sort of community with the world. Never forget the power of your presence and your actions. You are just one person, but you are many people all the same. Never underestimate the power of your positivity. Most importantly, don't forget to always wish the people you care about (in whatever miniscule way) a happy birthday.
In summary, if you wished me a happy birthday yesterday, thank you sincerely. It means more to me than you will ever know. :)

(Credits for the above illustration go to Cesar Cartagena. He actually drew me that picture for my birthday, which ended up being one of the highlights of my day. Whenever possible, follow Cesar's lead and go the extra mile. Use your talents to be excellent at everything that you do. It will be appreciated and your life will be more enjoyable!)


  1. Unknown
    November 18, 2010 at 7:13 PM

    Brilliantly written and well-thought out. But did you read your last post about simplifying your communication through writing?!

  1. Siobhan
    November 22, 2010 at 4:51 PM

    What a great post! And a wonderful way to say thank you. Happy Birthday again, amigo! I'm glad you loved the love. You deserve it.

  1. Unknown
    September 3, 2020 at 12:53 PM

    Wow...beautiful illustrationsđź’™thanks for sharing

  1. Rajesh
    September 13, 2020 at 9:32 PM

    Such a nice content. make me to realize and remember many things.. Thanks a lot

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